Monday, August 23, 2010

Choosing Halloween Costumes that are Safe

It is important to choose Halloween costumes for children and adults with some safety considerations in mind.  This is a much anticipated happy holiday.  It is important to take precautions to minimize the risk of an unhappy event occurring, especially for those who will be celebrating with an outdoor activity.  But indoor
activities need safety considerations, too.

The first consideration is to buy fire resistant costumes and accessories.  Almost every year there are reports of fire injuries on Halloween night.  This does not eliminate the burn risk completely.  But it does help reduce the chance of such an injury occurring.

A second consideration is to buy properly fitting costumes.  It is especially important to avoid excessively long skirts and pants.  These increase the risk of a fall and possible injury.  However, in colder climates you should buy a costume slightly large, so that some warm clothes can be worn underneath, if the temperature is low or the wind is blowing.   In addition, for an outfit to be worn by someone who will be outdoors, the wearer should be easily visible to motorists.  Light, bright colors are a good choice.  It may be wise to attach a reflective patch or two to the costume.  And have the wearer carry a flashlight for use in dark areas.

A third consideration is to insist on properly fitting shoes.  Even if the costume resembles a glamorous movie star, high heals or excessively high heals  carry with them the risk or fall or a sprain or even worse a dislocation.  This is an even more important consideration if it is raining, snowing, or if the streets are slick.

Another consideration is to the selection of masks.  If a mask is to be used be sure the person using it, whether child or adult, has full range of vision.  Also, be sure that the mask does not impair or obstruct the ability to breathe normally.  A mask should not cover the nose or obstruct the mouth.  A good alternative to a mask is the use of non-toxic, non-allergenic make up.  In that way vision and breathing are not obstructed.

When selecting a costume consider what could happen if a part of the outfit got caught on something.  Be sure it would come lose if necessary to avoid strangling or trapping the wearer.  If the costume requires an accessory such as a knife or sword, be sure they are made of soft materials.  Do not use a sharp object with any costume. 

Seventh, do NOT use the lenses that have become popular recently and certainly do not allow children to use them.  These do not have to meet any safety requirements.  They can cause eye infections, including serious ones.  Also, they can cause scratches on the corneas.

Although this is not all inclusive, we have identified a few thing to consider about Halloween attire safety.  These are a few of the thing you need to consider, when selecting a Halloween costume.

For more information about  Halloween costumes  and more go to